The Natural Resources Conservation Service provides a variety of agency forms and free publications about conserving our natural resources.
Klamath County Noxious Weed List
The noxious weed policy and classification system includes Oregon’s official noxious weed priority list as designated by the Oregon State Weed Board (OSWB). Profiles include information about the weed, images, and locations in Oregon.
Fire Adapted Communities: The Next Step in Wildfire Preparedness in Klamath County
This is a manual that helps homeowners and neighborhoods prepare their areas and their homes for wildfire.
Oregon Defensible Space Assessment
The Oregon State Fire Marshal office is partnering with local fire agencies across the state to provide Oregonians with access to Defensible Space Assessments. Simply enter your address to locate your house on the map to get contact information for your local Defensible Space Assessment provider.
Klamath County Ready, Set, Go!
This website lets you look at your property and see how you can reduce your risk. You can observe your home's risk score and change things about your construction (e.g. roof material) that will help lower the risk score. This information will help you become educated about these issues and help keep First Responders safe when they are fighting fire in your area.